Don’t Let Technology Become Your Master


Embrace technology with proper care and caution and don’t let the machines become your masters. No matter what benefits the technology possess, the future is scary.

As we can see, with every passing day new applications, devices, contents, and websites etc. are created and we technophiles have become fascinated with the latest innovation and development in technology. The internet and browser have answer for every question. Our modern society has become fond of latest phones, laptops, iPhones, and iPads, etc. which dominate our modern techno world and it has become nearly impossible to separate any industry, career, or individual from technology as we have consolidated it into almost every facet of our modern lives.

Present Scenarios:

Some in-depth research shows that due to raising development and innovation our society has lost precious human-to-human touch and interaction, which is believed to be the leading factor in the success and happiness. While most people agree that technology has made our lives better, most people also agree that our society over-use it. These days, individuals rely more and more on technology to solve problems than on their own intelligence. It’s possible that brilliant minds in the human race are creditable for inventing and creating this rapidly developing technology. However, these technologies assist in problem solving more readily than humans. The amount of work that is placed on the human brain reduces if this scenario continues.

Future Scenarios:

In the future, humans will function like mindless robots, performing any task as the majority of people rely on technology to solve their problems because they lack self-confidence among themselves. They don’t seek for ways to increase their self-assurance or to think out and resolve their issues. They rely on the simplest approach available, like technology. With steady technological advancement, we can classify our nation as developing. However, what about the citizens of that nation? We ought to have a question in our hearts “ARE THEY DEVELOPING OR DIMINISHING?”[1]

We are exposing ourselves to a world of opportunity, connection, experience, and learning at a pace and scale never seen before when it comes to learning how to live in a technologically driven environment.  In addition, we are opening ourselves up to a world that might be ruled by abuse, disconnection, deception, filthy and improper content, predators, hatemongers, and a diminished sense of self-worth.

Case in point:

a) The Madras High Court in the case of Srinivasan versus State of Tamil Nadu (2016), observed the negative effects of technology on mental health and highlighted that over use of social media and internet could lead to psychological problems;

b) The Supreme Court of Canada in the case of Uber Technologies, Inc. versus Heller (2020),[2] the court’s ruling emphasized the value of human monitoring by raising issues with automated decision-making systems’ possible bias and lack of transparency. Also raised concerns about how technology and algorithms are used in work relationships.

c) The Untied States in the Facebook, Inc. versus Duguid (2021),[3] discussed concerns with the usage of automated text messaging systems, raising challenges on how to strike a balance between human judgment and technical efficiency in communication procedures.

d)  A software bug can kill people (as in the South African Robotic cannon accident of 2007);

e) A network failure can bring down the entire power grid for millions of people (as in the Northeast Blackout of 2003 in the United States); and

f) Social media websites can track and leak personal data (as in the Facebook “Shadow Profile” leak of 2012)[4].

But aren’t these just intermittent accidents in an otherwise upward course of progress and development? Perhaps.

When technology serves us rather than controls our lives:

We need the technology to be our servant as it is our great servant in various aspects and not our master and we must ensure that technology is not controlling our lives.

In such circumstances:

a) We can easily connect with experts and we can develop skills of spatial functioning and analysis and thinking outside the box, etc.

b) We can work remotely.

c) We can do well in our relationships with our near and dear ones.

d) We have control on ourselves and we know when to enjoy our surroundings and get back to nature.

When technology is our master and controls our lives:

In such circumstances:

a) We mostly measure our self-worth on the basis of likes, shares, comments on our blogs, posts etc.

b) We become depressed at witnessing the achievements of those in our feeds as we compare our lives with others.

c) We forget to enjoy the precious moment and we restrict us to checking emails, newsfeeds, notifications, etc. every now and then.

d) We have no control on ourselves and we do not know when to put away the device.

e) We use the phone’s screen to anonymously hust and harass others, etc.

Now the question arises is that, how can we control technology before it controls us, or it becomes our master?

For this, let us know some of the crucial measures to save ourselves from technology overpowering our personal and professional lives:

a) Turn off your cellular data fully when you aren’t at work or when you’re at home on leave.

b) Try not to use your device when you’re in a social gathering or interacting with your family.

c) Try to set your phone on aeroplane mode roughly an hour before bedtime.

d) Use books or go to the library for collecting information related to your work rather than searching it directly on the Google, etc.

e) Before using your mobile phone take redundant seconds in allowing and questioning yourself if you really need your mobile phone to get the answer of the particular query.

f) Uninstall all social media operations from your device which you suppose is overpowering your daily work and routine, etc.


Humans’ capacity for independent thought will undoubtedly deteriorate as people depend more and more on technology to solve problems. Every person in our nation will avoid falling into this trap if they consider the circumstances. Technology cannot become our master as we are the master already, but we only need to have self-control and proper understanding of what is good and what is bad for our health, career and social environment and also it is all in what we use it for and how we use it.

However, time is passing quickly, and robots/AI have already enslaved us. At the end, there will undoubtedly be a conflict between humans and technologies. The wise saying “A stitch in time saves nine” goes like this. That’s a wise approach; we follow the saying and act in the most straightforward and effective way possible without giving it a second thought.

This, in an increasingly technologically integrated society, it is critical that people retain control over how they interact with technology. WILL YOU USE YOUR BRAIN FOR YOURSELF AND TO SAVE YOUR LIFE OR GIVE IT ALL TO A SO-CALLED TECHNOLOGY? “Think Twice and Act Wise”.

Author : Saumya Singh, A student at Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University (GGSIPU), Delhi, in case of any queries please contact/write back to us via email to or at IIPRD





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