Tag Archives: National Company Law Tribunal

Successful Resolution Applicant cannot substitute itself – NCLAT Delhi


The Principal Bench of the National Company Law Appellate Tribunal in New Delhi (“NCLAT”), in an order dated 01.03.2024, dismissed an appeal by UV Asset Reconstruction Company Ltd. against the rejection of its application by the National Company Law Tribunal in Mumbai (“NCLT”). This piece will give a brief overview of the background facts of the case[1], the final decision by the Tribunal, and its implications in the larger context of the corporate insolvency resolution process (“CIRP”) as envisaged under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016[2] (“IBC”).

Brief Facts

UV Asset Reconstruction Company Ltd. (“Successful Resolution Applicant”/ “SRA”) submitted a resolution plan for Aircel Ltd., the corporate debtor, which was approved by both the Committee of Creditors and the NCLT. At this juncture, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) issued a notification[3] mandating that Asset Reconstruction Companies (“ARC”) should have a minimum Net Owned Fund (“NOF”) of 1000 crore rupees in order to act as resolution applicants under the IBC. As the SRA did not meet the same criterion, it filed an application before the NCLT in order to substitute itself with another entity.

However, the NCLT dismissed the application[4] by placing reliance on Ebix Singapore (P) Ltd. v. Educomp Solutions Ltd.[5], wherein the Supreme Court held that NCLT cannot do what IBC consciously did not provide it the power to do. Further, the NCLT reasoned that the SRA would have no right to modify the resolution plan post the approval by the Committee of Creditors. Aggrieved by said order of the NCLT, the SRA preferred an appeal to the NCLAT, giving rise to the instant case.


The NCLAT dismissed the appeal while upholding the NCLT order. While the NCLAT did not consider the substitution of resolution applicant post approval as a sound remedy within the framework of the IBC, it recognized the difficult situation of the SRA. As such, the NCLAT advised both the SRA and the Corporate Debtor’s Monitoring Committee to file appropriate applications before the NCLT to find a path forward.


The decision of the NCLAT reiterates the strict confines within which the Tribunals must function while deciding cases relating to CIRP. Reasonable alternatives within the mandate of the IBC must be explored by all stakeholders within the CIRP hand-in-hand with the Tribunals. However, the decision also considerably limits the wiggle room afforded to successful resolution applications that may end up in unforeseeable circumstances and could lead to wantonly lengthening the resolution process.

Author : Archit K. P, in case of any queries please contact/write back to us via email to chhavi@khuranaandkhurana.com or at IIPRD


  1. UV Asset Reconstruction Company Ltd. v. Aircel Ltd., Company Appeal (AT) (Ins.) No. 333 of 2024, decided on 01.03.2024 (NCLAT).
  2. The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016.
  3. Reserve Bank of India, Review of Regulatory Framework for Asset Reconstruction Companies (ARCs), RBI/2022-23/128 (Notified on October 11, 2022).
  4. UV Asset Reconstruction Company Ltd. v. Aircel Ltd., IA No. 1403 of 2022, decided on 21.12.2023 (NCLT).
  5. Ebix Singapore (P) Ltd. v. Educomp Solutions Ltd. (CoC), (2022) 2 SCC 401.

[1] UV Asset Reconstruction Company Ltd. v. Aircel Ltd., Company Appeal (AT) (Ins.) No. 333 of 2024, decided on 01.03.2024 (NCLAT).

[2] The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016.

[3] Reserve Bank of India, Review of Regulatory Framework for Asset Reconstruction Companies (ARCs), RBI/2022-23/128 (Notified on October 11, 2022).

[4] UV Asset Reconstruction Company Ltd. v. Aircel Ltd., IA No. 1403 of 2022, decided on 21.12.2023 (NCLT).

[5] Ebix Singapore (P) Ltd. v. Educomp Solutions Ltd. (CoC), (2022) 2 SCC 401.


The Company Law Board and the Board for Industrial and Financial Corporation handled the companies’ rights and responsibilities prior to the creation of the National Company Law Tribunal and National Company Law Appellate Tribunal. In accordance with Companies Act of 2013, Section 408 of the Central government established NCLT. It was established based on the Justice Eradi Committee’s recommendations, and it went into effect on June 1, 2016.

What is NCLT?

The National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) was established as a quasi-judicial body to settle disagreements pertaining to Indian companies. It is the Company Law Board’s replacement. The Central Government has formulated the regulations that govern it. Cases pertaining to civil court have been excluded from the jurisdiction of NCLT, a special court.

Powers and functions:


According to Section 7(7) of the Companies Act of 2013, the tribunal may make any of the following orders if it learns that the company provided false or incorrect information at the time of incorporation or by hiding any material facts, information, or declarations that the company filed:

•Give any orders it deems appropriate.

•Give directives to wind up the business.

•Members’ direct liability will never expire.


The Companies Act of 2013 specifies this in Section 130.

•The company will not be permitted to open its accounts or recast its financial statements unless directed to do so by the central government, income tax authorities, SEBI, statutory bodies, or a court of competent jurisdiction. In the following situations, the company may be permitted to do so:

*Previous accounts were prepared fraudulently.

*The company’s affairs were improperly handled, raising questions about the accuracy of the financial statements.

*The tribunal will notify the relevant authorities prior to making any such orders.


According to the Companies Act of 2013, Section 58:

•A public company or a private company restricted by shares that declines to record the transfer of the transferor’s shares must notify the transferor and transferee of the refusal within thirty days of the transfer.

•In exchange, the transferee must file an appeal with the tribunal within thirty days of receiving the notice; if the transferee does not receive a notice from the company, they must file an appeal with the tribunal within sixty days of the transfer document.

•After hearing the orders, the tribunal will either reject the appeal or give the company instructions.

*within ten days of receiving an order, to transfer the shares.

*Immediately correct the register and order the aggrieved party’s damages, if any, to be reimbursed.

  • *Anyone found to be in violation of the order faces a minimum one-year prison sentence, which can be extended to three years, as well as a fine that can be as much as INR 5 lakh.


    According to the Companies Act of 2013, Section 213:

    *When one of the following parties files an application with the tribunal:

    •Company with share capital; Members holding at least one hundred shares or more of the company’s total voting power;

    •A business without share capital is one that has at least one-fifth of the individuals listed on its membership roster.

    *When a non-member of the company applies to the tribunal citing one of the following circumstances:

    • the company’s operations have only been carried out with the intention of defrauding its creditors, members, or any other person.

    •The purpose of the business operation is either fraudulent or illegal.

    •Members are subjected to oppression in the way that business is being conducted.

    •A business is only being formed with the intention of committing fraud or other illegal acts.

    •Individuals involved in the establishment of the company or overseeing its operations were found to have committed fraud, mismanagement, or other wrongdoing against the company or any of its members.

    •After providing the parties with a reasonable opportunity to respond, the tribunal may determine that the company’s affairs should be looked into. For this reason, the central government will designate an inspector. If members of the company have neglected to provide the company with all the information they are required to provide regarding the company’s affairs, including the information relating to the calculation of commission payable to the managing director, director, or any other manager of the company.


    According to Section 241 of the Companies Act of 2013, any employee of the company who is entitled to file a complaint with a tribunal under Section 244 of the Act of 2013 must do so by stating the following:

    •The way the business conducts its affairs may be detrimental to the public interest, oppressive to him or any other member, or detrimental to the business itself.

    •A substantial shift in the company’s management or control has been implemented by the company, going against the interests of the company’s shareholders, debenture holders, and creditors. This change has occurred in:

    *modification of the manager,

    * Modification of the member,

    * Modification of the board of directors,

    *or for any other cause.

    Due to these factors, the company’s members believe that its operations have been handled in a way that is detrimental to its interests.

    When the Central Government believes that a company’s operations have been carried out in any of the following ways, and the tribunal determines that these actions have been oppressive or detrimental to the public interest:

    *a company member has been found guilty of fraud, misfeasance, persistent negligence, breach of trust, or defaulting on legal obligations and functions;

    *the management of the company has not been carried out in accordance with sound principles or prudent commercial practices;

    *or the company is being operated in a way that seriously harms trade, business, or industry.

    A company must file an application with the tribunal to request a remedy when its management is solely focused on defrauding its members or creditors, or when its actions are illegal or fraudulent and go against the interests of the public.


    What was once the Company Law Board is now NCLT. With the creation of NCLT, disputes pertaining to company law will now have a quick remedy and can be resolved quickly. A party that feels wronged by a decision or order made by NCLT may file an appeal with NCLAT within 45 days of the party receiving the order or decision. In addition, the NCLAT renders a decision six months after the appeal is received. When NCLT and NCLAT are empowered to make decisions, no civil court has the authority to do so.

    Author: Mr. Aman Sethi, in case of any queries please contact/write back to us via email to chhavi@khuranaandkhurana.com or at IIPRD.

  • Winding Up/ Liquidation process under the Companies Act, 2013 vis-à-vis Insolvency And Bankruptcy Code, 2016

    A firm (for convenience sake called “CD”) regularly supplies certain raw materials to a partnership firm (for convenience sake called “QR”) carrying out its business of manufacturing geysers. After 6 months of regular supply of goods, QR fails to clear the outstanding dues of “CD” amounting to principal amount of Rs.1,25,00/- with interest accrued thereon.

    An individual (for convenience sake called “XY”) lends his fleet of trucks to a Company (for convenience sake called “AB”) used for transporting goods to and fro from the factory of AB; despite repeated demands AB fails to pay to XY the accumulating dues of Rs.3,50,000/- payable for the fleet of trucks lent to AB with interest accrued thereon.

    In both the cases, CD and XY are advised to initiate winding up process of QR and AB. What does it mean? What does it entail? What are the implications? Will CD and XY get their dues back? Keeping the amended provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 in mind, let’s examine and understand the current scenario relating to dues of CD and XY.

    First, let us understand what winding up means. Earlier, neither the Companies Act, 1956 nor the Companies Act (Second Amendment) Act 2002 defined the term “winding up”. Under the Halsburys Laws of England, winding-up is defined as a proceeding by means of which the dissolution of a company is brought about and in the course of which its assets are collected and realized: and applied in payment of its debts; and when these are satisfied, the remaining amount is applied for returning to its members the sums which they have contributed to the company in accordance with Articles of the Company. In the Indian context, definition of “winding up” was introduced by the Indian Companies Act, 2013 whereby Section 2(94A) was inserted which stated that it means “winding up under this Act or liquidation under the Insolvency And Bankruptcy Code, 2016, as applicable”.

    In simple terms, winding up is a legal process by which the life of a company is brought to an end by taking over the reins of management of the Company from the Board of Directors of the Company, selling off its assets and the money realized from such sale is then used for clearing off its debts and the surplus amount, if any, is then distributed amongst the members of the Company.

    It is also important to understand that winding up of the Company does not result in ending “the legal existence” of the Company i.e. despite winding up process initiated against the company, it continues to exist as a “legal corporate entity” – in as much as its name continues to remain on the Register of Companies. This legal existence comes to an end only when the Court orders dissolution of the Company – which is initiated post completion of winding up process. The effect of such an order of dissolution is that the affairs of the Company come to a halt and no business can be conducted in its name and its name is struck off the Register of Companies – thus bringing an end to the “legal corporate entity”.

    In the year 2016, the Insolvency And Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (referred to as “the Code”) came into effect by which the Parliament sought to consolidate a single law for insolvency and bankruptcy in India. The Code basically provides for a mechanism, within a time-bound manner, to deal with and resolve the non-payment of debt to various debtors in a time bound manner by utilizing the value earned from the sale of its assets, at the same time balancing the interest of all the stakeholders.

    With the coming into effect of the Code, it brought about certain changes in the laws relating to winding up of Companies:-

    (i) Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Act, 1985 (SICA) was repealed – this Act applied only to Industrial Companies whereas the amendments introduced by the Code brought all kinds of Companies, partnership firms, proprietorship firms within its fold.

    (ii) It completely over-hauled the winding-up provisions under the Indian Companies Act, 2013 such as:

    (1) Section 270 which dealt with modes of winding up was deleted;

    (2) Section 271 of the Act was amended to exclude the term “unable to pay its debts” as a ground available and specified following 5 grounds available, for persons authorized by Section 272, to invoke the winding up jurisdiction of the National Company Law Tribunal (“NCLT” for short) under the Companies Act:

    • Company by special resolution resolves that it be wound up by the Tribunal –  Petition by the Company;
    • If the Company has acted against the interest of the sovereignty and integrity of the Country, security of the state, friendly relations with foreign states, public order, decency or morality – Petition by the Registrar, Central Government or State Government;
    • an application whereupon the Tribunal comes to a conclusion that the affairs of the Company are being conducted in a fraudulent manner or the company was formed for fraudulent and unlawful purposes or that the concerned in the formation or management of its affairs have been guilty of its affairs have been guilty of fraud, misfeasance or misconduct in connection therewith and that its proper that the Company be wound up – Petition by Registrar or any person authorised by the Central Government;
    • If the Company has defaulted in filing its financial statements or annual returns with the Registrar for immediately preceding 5 consecutive financial years – the Registrar
    • If the Tribunal is of the opinion that it is just and equitable that the company should be wound up.

    (3) Section 304 and related sections (304-323) which dealt with voluntary winding-up were deleted.

    Thus post the amendments, no creditor of a Company is entitled to invoke the winding up power of the NCLT provided under the Companies Act, 2013. Hence CD and XY, who are creditors, are out of the purview of the Companies Act, but have the option to invoke provisions under the Code to initiate Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process (“CIRP” for short) – a recovery mechanism created for the Creditors whereby defaulting debtor is assessed whether it is capable or not of repaying its debt, failing which the debtor is either restructured or else liquidated and finally dissolved. 

    Part II of the Code brings all kinds of Companies, partnership firms, proprietorship firms, or any other person incorporated with limited liability under any law, who have defaulted to pay their debt, within its fold – minimum amount of debt payable being Rs.1 Lakh.  A combined reading of definition of the words “Corporate debtor”, “Corporate person” and “person” under Sections 3(8), Section 3(7) and 3(23) of the Code makes it clear that apart from a Company registered under the Companies Act, the Code also applies to an individual, a Hindu Undivided Family, a trust, a partnership, a limited liability partnership and any other entity established under a statute.

    A creditor, i.e. a person to whom a debt is owed, can invoke provisions contained in Part II Chapter II of the Code. Such a creditor is broadly classified into 2 categories:

    (a) a “Financial Creditor” – a person to whom a financial debt is owed and includes a person to whom such debt has been legally assigned or transferred to [Section 5(7)] – banks and financial institutions come within its ambit;

    • Recently a 3 judge bench of Supreme Court in the matter of Pioneer Urban Land and Infrastructure Limited & Ors. Vs Union Of India & Ors[1] upheld the constitutional validity of amendments made to the Code whereby the allottees of real estate projects were deemed to be “financial creditors” so that they can invoke the provisions of Section 7 of the Code against any real estate developer.

    (b) an “Operational Creditor” – a person to whom an operational debt is owed and includes any person to whom such debt has been legally assigned or transferred [Section 5(20)]; Section 5(21) further clarifies that any debt arising out of operation of the Company/ Corporate Debtor – such as goods and services provided to the Company, dues of employees or any amount due and payable to the government – come within the purview of an “operational debt”.

    Under Section 6 of the Code, a financial creditor and an operational creditor can file an application before the NCLT seeking initiation of CIRP. The process to be followed in respect of a financial creditor and an operational creditor are different and are specified under Section 7 and 8-9 respectively.

    Before we proceed further, it is relevant to state that the constitutional validity of various provisions of the Code, including that of Section 7, 21 and 24 of the Code, were challenged before the Supreme Court in the matter of Swiss Ribbons Pvt. Ltd. & Ors. Vs Union of India & Ors.[2] The Supreme Court while upholding the validity of distinction drawn by the Code between financial creditors and operational creditors, relied upon the distinction between the 2 classes of creditors and held that “most financial creditors, particularly banks and financial institutions, were secured creditors whereas most operational creditors were unsecured, payments for goods and services as well as payments to workers not being secured by mortgaged documents and like… Financial creditors generally lend finance on a term loan or for working capital that enabled corporate debtor to either set up and/or operate its business. On other hand, contracts with operational creditors were relatable to supply of goods and services in operation of business. Financial contracts generally involve large sums of money. By way of contrast, operational contracts had dues whose quantum was generally less. In running of a business, operational creditors can be many as opposed to financial creditors, who lend finance for the set up or working of business. Also, financial creditors had specified repayment schedules, and defaults entitled financial creditors to recall a loan in totality. Contracts with operational creditors did not have any such stipulations.”

    In the present case, our very own CD and XY fall in the category of Operational Creditors and thus steps to be followed, as prescribed under the Code are as under:

    A. Issuance of Demand Notice: Operational Creditor to issue and deliver a demand Notice [Form 3 – Rule 5 of the Insolvency And Bankruptcy (Application To Adjudicating Authority) Rules, 2016 – “Rules” for short][3] to the debtor demanding payment of the unpaid debt

    • Accompanied by a copy of the invoice;
    • Demand notice to be delivered at the registered office
    • by hand, or
    • registered post or
    • speed post AD or
    • by electronic mail addressed to whole time director or designated partner or key managerial personnel of the debtor

    B. Within 10 days of receipt of demand notice, the debtor is required to bring to the notice of the Operational Creditor of the debt being disputed or of the amount paid with proof of same;

    C. Filing of Application before NCLT: After expiry of 10 days from the date of delivery of demand notice, if payment is not received, Operational Creditor to file application under Section 9 of the Code (prescribed Form 5 – Rule No.6) before NCLT for initiating CIRP alongwith a proposal for appointment of Interim Resolution Professional, if required, accompanied by following documents and keeping following points in mind:

    • Annex. I – Copy of the invoice / demand notice as in Form 3 served on the corporate debtor;
    • Annex. II – Copies of all documents referred to in this application.
    • Annex. III – Copy of the relevant accounts from the banks/financial institutions maintaining accounts of the operational creditor confirming that there is no payment of the relevant unpaid operational debt by the operational debtor, if available.
    • Annex. IV – Affidavit in support of the application
    • Annex. V – Written consent from the proposed insolvency professional in prescribed Form 2 (Rule No.9) (Wherever applicable) [may or may not be suggested by the Operational Creditor);
    • Annex. V – Proof that the specified application fee has been paid.
    • Application to be filed alongwith a Certificate confirming eligibility of the proposed insolvency professional for appointment as a resolution professional (Rule No.9);
    • Application and accompanying documents to be filed in electronic form (Rule No.10);
    • An advance copy of the application filed before NCLT is required to be sent by registered post or speed post to the debtor at its registered office (Rule 6).

    D. NCLT Order On Application: Within 14 days of receipt of the application, NCLT is required to pass an order admitting or rejecting the application.

    • If admitted, a moratorium is declared prohibiting various acts by or against the debtor (Sections 13-14 of the Code). It shall also appoint an interim resolution professional [Section 16 R/w Section 16(3)of the Code – in office till the Committee of Creditors appoint a resolution professional under Section 22(2) of the Code], who replaces the Board of Directors and takes over the administrative reins of the corporate debtor (Section 17 of the Code) and also perform, amongst others, following duties:
    • Make a public announcement about the CIRP in respect of the debtor concerned alongwith inviting submission of claims against the said Corporate Debtor, and thereafter collate all claims submitted by various creditors (under Section 15 of the Code); [It is here that CD and XY will step in and submit their claims against QR and AB alongwith supporting documents]
      • Constitute a Committee of Creditors (Section 18(1)(c) and 21 of the Code) consisting of all the financial creditors of the Corporate Debtor.
      • Monitor, manage, take control and custody of the assets of the Corporate Debtor and manage its operations as a going concern till the Committee of Creditors appoints a Resolution Professional.

    E. Appointment of Resolution Professional: Within 7 days of constitution, the Committee of  Creditors by majority vote (not less than 66% of voting share) are required to either confirm the interim resolution professional as a “Resolution Professional” or appoint a fresh “Resolution Professional” who then takes over the reins of the Corporate debtor from the interim resolution professional and conduct the entire CIRP as well as manage the operations of the debtor during such period;

    F. Preparation of Resolution Plan: The resolution applicant, appointed by the Resolution Professional, prepares a resolution plan (Section 25(2)(h) of the Code) – which covers the management of affairs of the Corporate Debtor post approval of the resolution plan alongwith provision for payment of insolvency resolution process costs in priority to other debts of the corporate debtor as well as payment of debts of operational debtors (Section 30(2)(b) of the Code);

    • National Company Law Appellate Tribunal in the matter of Binani Industries Ltd. & Ors. Vs Bank of Baroda & Ors.,[4] held that a resolution plan is not a sale of the debtor, nor a plan for recovery of dues of the creditor or a plan for liquidation of the debtor (which brings the life of the Corporate to an end) but infact is a plan to rescue a failing but a viable business as a going concern and should aim to maximize the value of assets of the ‘Corporate Debtor’, and should promote entrepreneurship, availability of credit, and balance the interests of all the stakeholders. With regard to the dues of the Operational Creditors, the Appellate Tribunal was of the opinion that the liabilities of all creditors who are not part of committee of creditors must also be met in the resolution plan – although the financial creditors can modify the terms of existing liabilities and take their dues in future, the Operational creditors cannot take the risk of postponing payment for better future prospects and need to be paid immediately – as the Operational Creditors need to provide goods and services. If they are not treated well or discriminated, they will not provide goods and services on credit and thus the objective of promoting availability of credit will be defeated [@para 17(3)(e)]. 

    G. Approval of Resolution Plan by COC – to be accepted by atleast 66% of voting share of the financial creditors, the Committee of Creditors;

    H. Approval of Resolution Plan by NCLT – After approval by the Committee of Creditors, NCLT may either approve or reject the Resolution plan, which shall be binding on the corporate debtor and its employees, members, creditors, as well.

    I. Liquidation Process: In the event

    • no resolution plan is presented for approval within the time period prescribed for completion of CIRP, or
    • if the resolution plan is rejected by NCLT, or
    • if the COC recommends liquidation of debtor, or
    • if the Corporation debtor contravenes the resolution plan, or

    its mandatory for NCLT to order liquidation of the debtor (Under Chapter III of the Code – Section 33).

    J. Appointment of Liquidator: Thereafter NCLT appoints a liquidator (Section 34 of the Code) who is required to verify and consolidate claims of all creditors (Section 38 of the Code), to take into its custody all assets of the debtor and settle claims of all the creditors and distribute the proceeds in the order of preference specified under Section 53 of the Code (Section 35 of the Code).

    Post initiation of Liquidation process, CD and XY will be required to submit their claims to the Liquidator alongwith all proof in support of the same.

    K. Distribution of Assets – Secured Creditor can realize it dues either in full or in part from the security in its favour (Section 52 of the Code). Rest of the creditors will receive their dues in the order of preference as stated in Section 53 of the Code.

    (a) the insolvency resolution process costs and the liquidation costs to be paid in full;

    (b)the following debts shall rank equally between and among the following:—

    • workmen’s dues for the period of twenty-four months preceding the liquidation commencement date; and
    • debts owed to a secured creditor in the event such secured creditor has relinquished security in the manner set out in section 52;

    (c) wages and any unpaid dues owed to employees other than workmen for the period of twelve months preceding the liquidation commencement date;

    (d) financial debts owed to unsecured creditors;

    (e) following dues shall rank equally between and among the following:—

    • any amount due to the Central Government and the State Government including the amount to be received on account of the Consolidated Fund of India and the Consolidated Fund of a State, if any, in respect of the whole or any part of the period of two years preceding the liquidation commencement date;
    • debts owed to a secured creditor for any amount unpaid following the enforcement of security interest;

    (f) any remaining debts and dues;

    (g) preference shareholders, if any; and

    (h)equity shareholders or partners, as the case may be

    Thus in the case of CD and XY, whofall in the category of Operational Creditors – unsecured creditors – their dues will be ranked 4th in line and will be paid from the sale proceeds of assets of the debtor, after the dues of workmen, secured creditors, and wages and unpaid dues of employees are paid off. 

    L. Dissolution of Corporate Debtor: Once the assets have been completely liquidated, NCLT, upon application by the Liquidator, shall order dissolution of the debtor from the date of the said order. Within 7 days, copy of said order shall be sent to the authority with which the debtor is registered for appropriate action (Section 54 of the Code).  

    Thus bringing an end to the entire process and resolution of a debt ridden corporate debtor.

    Author: Meenakshi Ogra Mukherjee a Principal Associate in Litigation, at Khurana & Khurana, Advocates and IP Attorneys.  In case of any queries please contact/write back to us at litigation@khuranaandkhurana.com .


    [1] Pioneer Urban Land and Infrastructure Limited & Ors. Vs Union Of India & Ors., AIR 2019 SC 4055: 2019 (8) SCC 416, Decided on 09.08.2019

    [2] Swiss Ribbons Pvt. Ltd. & Ors. Vs Union of India & Ors., AIR 2019 SC 739: 2019 (4) SCC 17

    [3] The Insolvency and Bankruptcy (Application to Adjudicating Authority) Rules, 2016

    [4] Binani Industries Ltd. & Ors. Vs Bank of Baroda & Ors., 2019 (3) Comp LJ 53: MANU/NL/0284/2018, decided on 14.11.2018